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WTA Finals

30 Okt 5 Nov, 2023 | Shenzhen, China

WTA Finals WTA Finals Shenzhen

30 Okt – 5 Nov, 2023
Note: Schedule is subject to change.
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Engagiert für Service

Seit 1987 haben wir die Mission, Fans aus allert Welt die Teilnahme am begerhrtesten Tennisturnier der Welt so einfach wie möglich zu machen. Wir beschäftigen uns ausschließlich mit Tennis und haben weitreichende Erfahrung und Einblick die Turniere betreffend, die wire anbieten. Sie können voll auf das Niveau unseres Kundendienstes vertrauen, der sich um all Details kümmert, damit Sie in Zukunft en teuer Kunde von uns werden.

Mike Bernstein
Championship Tennis Tours
Session Day Date Time Start Competition
1 Sunday 7th-Nov Night 4:00 p.m. 4:00pm - Official Opening Presentation
5:00pm – Singles 
NB 7.30pm - Singles 
2 Monday 8th-Nov Night 7:30 p.m 7:30pm – Singles 
FB - Singles 
3 Tuesday 9th-Nov Night 7:30 p.m 7:30pm – Singles 
FB - Singles 
4 Wednesday 10th-Nov Night 11:00 a.m. 7:30pm – Singles 
FB - Singles 
5 Thursday 12th-Nov Day 1:30 p.m. 1:30pm – Doubles 
NB 4:00pm – Singles 
6 Thursday 12th-Nov Night 7:30 p.m. 7:30pm – Singles 
FB - Singles 
7 Friday 13-Nov Day 1:30 p.m. 1:30pm – Doubles 
NB 4:00pm – Singles
8 Friday 13th-Nov Night 7:30 p.m. 7:30pm – Singles 
FB - Singles 
9 Saturday 14th-Nov Day 1:30 pm 1:30pm - Doubles Semi Final 
NB 4:00pm - Singles Semi Final 
10 Saturday 14th-Nov Night 7:30 p.m. 7:30pm - Singles Semi Final 
FB - Doubles Semi Final 
11 Sunday 15th-Nov Night 4:00 p.m. 4:00pm - Doubles Final 
FB Doubles Final Trophy Presentation 
NB 7:30pm - Singles Final 
FB Singles Final Trophy Presentation & Closing Ceremony